Terms and conditions

The ROYAN-ORGUES composition competition is open to all. A candidate can participate in one of the three following categories:

  • Solo organ (total duration of 5 to 8 minutes)
  • Organ and instrumental ensemble (total duration 7 to 10 minutes)
  • Educational work for solo organ (total duration 5 minutes)

The candidate is invited to take note of the specifications that he/she will have to respect in the process of composing the work that he/she will submit to the jury. Any questions on this subject should be asked by email.


Competition’s Prize

  • Solo organ – Prize of the City of Royan
    • €1,500€ financial reward
  • Organ, choir and ensemble – Ars Nova Prize
    • Commission from the Ars Nova ensemble for a new original work, worth €5,000
  • Educational piece – Orgues Nouvelles Prize
    • €300 financial reward
    • Piece recorded and published in the magazine Orgues Nouvelles

Announcement of the winners

The winners of this first edition will be announced on Wednesday 16 July 2025 at 8.30 pm during the second concert of the Royan-Orgues 2025 season. Each winner will be contacted personally beforehand.


Awards ceremony and creation concert

The winning works will be premiered on the Boisseau organ of Notre-Dame de Royan – France, in October 2025, by the Ars Nova ensemble, conducted by Jérôme Pillement. The organ will be played by Louyse Gris and Joffrey Mialon, students of François Espinasse and Liesbeth Schlumberger at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon.


Submitting a work

The registration fee is €15 and must be paid online: either by credit card or Paypal, on the webpage. Once payment has been made, you will receive a message with instructions on how to finalise your application.

The application file must be sent in response to the email received ( before midnight on 28 April 2025.

In order to be accepted, the application must include the following informations:

  • A CV
  • A biography (500 characters maximum, included spaces)
  • A note of intent
  • The score of the work in PDF format
  • A photograph with good quality (preferably HD) (if applicable with the corresponding © credit)
  • The registration fee (15€)










28 APRIL 2025